Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Gifts for the Gifty Challenged*

Okay these are what I found:
I don't know if Sam's still into duct tape but check this stuff out. They also have camouflage and some with fishing lures.

Then there's this fruitcake made by monks to go with the chocolates made by nuns.
This might be good for mom so she can see the pictures of her little dolly boys without her glasses on. Incidentally this site has become a favorite of mine for quirky and unusual gifts for the geeks in my life (i.e. David)
Or how about this majorly unique Christmas stocking. It's sure to be prized by anyone who receives it.

For Jill (hint hint) or Melanie, only the most chic diaper bag ever. These awesome bags come with a detachable purse so it's not a hassle to leave the baby goods behind when you are just making a quick trip to the store or going on that rare date with your husband.

And finally give a gift that will bring warmth and cheer to last all year. What self-respecting manly man wouldn't be thrilled with a membership to the hot sauce of the month club?

*All the preceding are meant for entertainment purposes only. To clarify, I do not expect anyone to spend $100+ dollars on me. Especially for a diaper bag when I already have one. :) Happy shopping, y'all.


Mauri said...

ha, ha. Oh my gosh, those are so funny! That is one heck of a fruitcake. Did you see that it's "brandy-dipped"? Man, that makes it even better. My guess is that it's dipped after it's cooked (how do you dip batter?), which means it's going to get the monks drunk! hah, I don't know why, but that is seriously funny to think about--drunken monks.
Those are some AWESOME gifts! Next year, the hot sauce of the month club is totally yours. Maybe for your birthday . . .

Heather O said...

Wow, those were great finds! That diaper bag is totally cute! And really who wouldn't want a stocking to remind them of a 'major award'? The only problem is now Graham knows there is a hot sauce of the month club, he would truly LOVE it (I think I just threw up in my mouth . . . )