Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Gifts for the Gifty Challenged*

Okay these are what I found:
I don't know if Sam's still into duct tape but check this stuff out. They also have camouflage and some with fishing lures.

Then there's this fruitcake made by monks to go with the chocolates made by nuns.
This might be good for mom so she can see the pictures of her little dolly boys without her glasses on. Incidentally this site has become a favorite of mine for quirky and unusual gifts for the geeks in my life (i.e. David)
Or how about this majorly unique Christmas stocking. It's sure to be prized by anyone who receives it.

For Jill (hint hint) or Melanie, only the most chic diaper bag ever. These awesome bags come with a detachable purse so it's not a hassle to leave the baby goods behind when you are just making a quick trip to the store or going on that rare date with your husband.

And finally give a gift that will bring warmth and cheer to last all year. What self-respecting manly man wouldn't be thrilled with a membership to the hot sauce of the month club?

*All the preceding are meant for entertainment purposes only. To clarify, I do not expect anyone to spend $100+ dollars on me. Especially for a diaper bag when I already have one. :) Happy shopping, y'all.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For the Glamour Girl . . .

Ok when I saw this picture I thought "Oh, that is cool I guess if you like that type of stuff." But then I saw you could personalize it, heh. That made it even better! I thought about writing "HM Prin" on the bottom but thought I would stick with a generic name (Just don't tell Maurianne this what I am getting her for Christmas)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Dunn Family Gift Guide

It has been much too long since anyone has posted here, so I've decided that we need to start our own Christmas gift guide. I have seen these everywhere lately, and I feel a little left out that we, as a family, have not been asked to participate in putting any of them together. So, I think we better put together the definitive gift guide. If you would like a little inspiration, here's Dave Barry's current list. Check it twice, and add your own items. I have to admit, I found a few of these ideas in other gift guides.
1. Chocolate made by nuns. Yup, that's right. Hey, this monastery is in your neck of the woods, David and Jill!

2. iPod microphone. So you can, um, sing with your iPod? Or have a one-person karaoke party?

3. Wine cork cheese spreaders. For all of those wine and cheese parties we'll be having over the holidays.

4. And finally, my gift to you, the ever-useful information of how to start your own truffle farm. In other words, how to grow fungus and get paid for it.

So, let's see your best gifts to add to the gift guide this year!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas Gift Drawing

I'm sorry that the Christmas gift drawing info is gone from the website. Some of you have asked me about it, so here it is again:

David gives to Lee
Jill gives to Graham
Lee gives to Sam
Melanie gives to Heather
Maurianne gives to Jill
Graham gives to David
Heather gives to Maurianne
Sammy gives to Melanie

Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Mom

This is probably my favorite picture from Halloween. Thanks mom, I knew I didn't just like colored and patterned socks from nowhere. Now I know it is genetic!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last One Standing

So as many members of this family have had their own share of mishaps this week I think that whoever makes it through without any deserves a prize. I mean at least a gold star on their forehead or something.
Those still in the running: Mom, Dad, David, Jill, Seth, Joel, Nate, Daniel, Will and Josie. (Maybe the kids shouldn't count, they always have something up.) I haven't heard anything about the folks in Alabama so some of them may be out as well. Anyway a current list to date of mishaps:

Lee: back issues (missed work Monday)
Melanie: infection (what a good antibiotic can't cure)
Rosalie: jaundice (part of being a baby I guess)
Maurianne: back issues (missed work Monday)
Graham: sprained ankle (I can post a picture of the swelling and bruising if any would like to see).
Heather: cold (I feel better, I feel happy . . .)
Sam: cold (to quote him from this morning 'I feel like poo.')

Well good luck to the rest, don't break a leg.

Friday, October 12, 2007

the burnings of our souls--or dinners

Besides the very exciting news of the new addition to the family clan today, there's not much that can trump that, but I felt like we need some more posts on this blog! I'm sure the Hollands will have plenty to share later, but I thought I'd share a little about the mishap I had last night as I was innocently fixing dinner. Let's say it involved all sorts of panicking and disbelief. Have I got you hooked yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. Just in case you're interested in reading more about the saga, you can see it on my blog.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The dunn meanderings through the tulips.

I know that the name of our website is ididn'tcometoeat, and that when we type that in the box we go to our website, BUT when you actually get to the site, I just couldn't bear for it to say that, SO I put the name I Did Come to Eat at the top. I hope no one minds. I feel justified in the change after hearing Sister Beck's General Conference talk about how much better we all are because we DO come to eat. (P.S. I have just finished up the last of the leftovers of Marge's Popcorn--what would we have done without Marge all these years?)