Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I can hardly contain myself for joy! I stepped outside for a moment to feel the warm afternoon sunshine (it's probably about 50 degrees!) and saw that the snowbanks had receded about a foot from the sidewalk and flower beds. I glanced at the dirt as I walked by, then turned, blinked, and looked again. Small sprigs of greenery are bravely poking through the winter soil of the wintry day, which is, incidently, descending to a close. What is it? What can this mean? Is it possible that spring will actually come this year, as it has each year in my life's memory? Yes! They are the unmistakable first small shoots of those most marvelous and anticipated purple, yellow, and while crocus flowers! God is in His Heaven, and all is right with the world.


Heather O said...

I couldn't have said it any better! The world will be alive once again!!

NO David! said...

Repost from Heather's blog for effect:


NO David! said...

Yeah, so my html skills are trash...

NO David! said...

I gotta try again.


Mauri said...

Hooray! I don't think I've ever been more anxious for spring to show itself than this year. Perhaps you're right--maybe spring will come after all!

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

David that song is awesome, and the video is even more awesome. HA! I'm with Maurianne in having never before anticipated Spring as much as I do now. Having spent two years on the equator my body feels the need to express disapproval every time I walk out into the cold. The mere thought of the sprouting flowers fills my heart with joy.