Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last One Standing

So as many members of this family have had their own share of mishaps this week I think that whoever makes it through without any deserves a prize. I mean at least a gold star on their forehead or something.
Those still in the running: Mom, Dad, David, Jill, Seth, Joel, Nate, Daniel, Will and Josie. (Maybe the kids shouldn't count, they always have something up.) I haven't heard anything about the folks in Alabama so some of them may be out as well. Anyway a current list to date of mishaps:

Lee: back issues (missed work Monday)
Melanie: infection (what a good antibiotic can't cure)
Rosalie: jaundice (part of being a baby I guess)
Maurianne: back issues (missed work Monday)
Graham: sprained ankle (I can post a picture of the swelling and bruising if any would like to see).
Heather: cold (I feel better, I feel happy . . .)
Sam: cold (to quote him from this morning 'I feel like poo.')

Well good luck to the rest, don't break a leg.


Jill said...

I don't know if Nate should be disqualified or not. We had a mishap involving a trip to the doctor yesterday. (You can read all about it on my Mother in Zion blog if you want a little chuckle)

Lee Holland said...

My back is fine, couldn't be better.
Ok, so remember way back when I told everyone you better get a GMAIL address before their gone? Man was I right on the money on that one! I've become aware of another similar "gmail" type opportunity. It relates to a "phone" number and yes, they're in BETA, it's free, just like GMAIL was when I was testing. Meaning, you can't just sign up for it. I'm going to send everyone on "invite" to get a "phone" number setup.

Read about it:

If you don't understand what this is, let me know. I'll explain later. Again, read up on it, register and try it out. Again, it's free and it's AWSOME!!!

Mauri said...

so, who won? It looks like Nate got DQed in a last-minute slip of the googlie eye. Maybe we should tell him they go on pumpkins--along with barbed wire. heh. In case you want a refresher on how to decorate pumpkins, you can get more info here.

Heather O said...

Well I would have to say it was a tie. Josie also disqualified with a cold. So the winners are . . . (drum roll) . . . .
Mom, Dad, Jill, David, Seth, Joel, Daniel, and Will
For your prize you can go to Melanie and Lee's website for a special dance I did for you all. I think Lee named it Heather's Labor Day dance.

Mom said...

OK, so now we know how to decorate a pumpkin with googlie eyes, although we'll always wonder where these eyes have been and what sights they have seen (see Jill's blog.)I'm trying as hard as I can to "get" these Strong Bad (sp?) cartoons. Perhaps one needs to understand the inner depth of character developed through years of toil and strife that these characters have gained. I'll keep at it. I won't quit. "I can't, I won't!"