Friday, October 12, 2007

the burnings of our souls--or dinners

Besides the very exciting news of the new addition to the family clan today, there's not much that can trump that, but I felt like we need some more posts on this blog! I'm sure the Hollands will have plenty to share later, but I thought I'd share a little about the mishap I had last night as I was innocently fixing dinner. Let's say it involved all sorts of panicking and disbelief. Have I got you hooked yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. Just in case you're interested in reading more about the saga, you can see it on my blog.


Mom said...

Maurianne, thank goodness you weren't killed or even burned to a crisp! Of course the story would have been better if you had called the fire department and then pretended to be overcome by smoke inhalation by the time they arrived. Not only a good story, but soooo romantic!

Heather O said...

So your stove blew up eh? Pretty sweet, I loved the picture of the melted burner.

Mauri said...

Hey, come to think of it, one of our neighbors (single and male) is a firefighter. Hmmm. Too bad we didn't think of that at the time. As it is, we are still ovenless until at least Thursday. I never realized how much I relied on that thing!