Monday, June 2, 2008

Need Feedback . . .

So last night we (Mom, Dad, Maurianne, Graham and I) were talking about starting a new tradition. That with the exciting guests coming next week we could have our first Vernon Dunn Family reunion. (Or as Dad suggested we could call it the Seth H. Dunn reunion as the same people would be attending but we may sound more prestigious with that extra generation included.) Anyway we were thinking for our first one we could perhaps do a day trip, maybe to see the Spiral Jetty or something else cool/fun. We got to talking about it because Graham's family does reunions and they do them every other year (his Dad's family does it one year and the next is his mom's family or they try to do it that way.) I realize that things come up and it won't always be on a perfect schedule and depending where we all end up is a factor as well. Just a thought since we will all be together this summer and could do the first one. Maybe our next one could be to visit David and Jill in Auburn or where ever they may be in 2 years! Let me know your thoughts and ideas or other suggestions. I am so excited for the Dunn Family to get here next week!!