Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last One Standing

So as many members of this family have had their own share of mishaps this week I think that whoever makes it through without any deserves a prize. I mean at least a gold star on their forehead or something.
Those still in the running: Mom, Dad, David, Jill, Seth, Joel, Nate, Daniel, Will and Josie. (Maybe the kids shouldn't count, they always have something up.) I haven't heard anything about the folks in Alabama so some of them may be out as well. Anyway a current list to date of mishaps:

Lee: back issues (missed work Monday)
Melanie: infection (what a good antibiotic can't cure)
Rosalie: jaundice (part of being a baby I guess)
Maurianne: back issues (missed work Monday)
Graham: sprained ankle (I can post a picture of the swelling and bruising if any would like to see).
Heather: cold (I feel better, I feel happy . . .)
Sam: cold (to quote him from this morning 'I feel like poo.')

Well good luck to the rest, don't break a leg.

Friday, October 12, 2007

the burnings of our souls--or dinners

Besides the very exciting news of the new addition to the family clan today, there's not much that can trump that, but I felt like we need some more posts on this blog! I'm sure the Hollands will have plenty to share later, but I thought I'd share a little about the mishap I had last night as I was innocently fixing dinner. Let's say it involved all sorts of panicking and disbelief. Have I got you hooked yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. Just in case you're interested in reading more about the saga, you can see it on my blog.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The dunn meanderings through the tulips.

I know that the name of our website is ididn'tcometoeat, and that when we type that in the box we go to our website, BUT when you actually get to the site, I just couldn't bear for it to say that, SO I put the name I Did Come to Eat at the top. I hope no one minds. I feel justified in the change after hearing Sister Beck's General Conference talk about how much better we all are because we DO come to eat. (P.S. I have just finished up the last of the leftovers of Marge's Popcorn--what would we have done without Marge all these years?)